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Architectural Design Services

SNR Design & Build Ltd prepares material in CAD at this stage including location & block plans, building plans, sections, and elevations as well as supporting Design and Access statement where required. We are also able to provide 3D modelling and CGI visuals upon request and coordinate the designs with other key specialists and consultants as well.

Building Regulations

It’s very important that you understand how the building regulatory system and material applies to your situation and we will make sure our drawings reflect that your building complies with the building regulations. If you are employing a builder on your own, the responsibility will usually be theirs – but you should confirm this at the very beginning and clarify if the works comply with the building regulations.


SNR Design & Build Ltd provides residential extensions solution to enhance your place capacity. An extension or addition to your house is then discussed at the site meeting depending upon the works getting done at the property and to be determined with either to be applied under permitted development or require planning permission.

Loft Conversion

Architectural designer at SNR Design & Build Ltd provides Loft Conversion solutions to clients. So, they can maximise their space. A loft conversion for your house is considered to be permitted development, not requiring an application for planning permission, subject to the following limits and conditions and would be discussed at the site meeting.

Planning Permission

Planning permission or planning consent is the permission required in the United Kingdom  in order to be allowed to build on land, or change the use of land or buildings. Within the UK the occupier of any land or building will need title to that land or building (i.e. “ownership”), but will also need “planning title” or planning permission.

Planning title was granted for all pre-existing uses and buildings by the Town and Country Planning Act 1947, which came into effect on 1 July 1948. Since that date any new “development” has required planning permission. “Development” as defined by law consists of any building, engineering or mining operation, or the making of a material change of use in any land or building. Certain types of operation such as routine maintenance of an existing building are specifically excluded from the definition of development.

Structural Calculation

SNR Design & Build Ltd carry out strength calculations and prepare drawings of structures to ensure they are strong enough to avoid collapse when loaded. Our Structural engineers generally work in teams and look at the way a structure is to be built. We ensure buildings are strong enough to withstand natural forces and loads imposed by the nature of its use. Through research and the testing of both form and material, new solutions are developed which promote safer, more environmentally friendly buildings and structures.

Change of use

Planning permission is required to change from one use class to another, although there are exceptions where the legislation does allow some changes between uses.

For example, A3 uses can change to A1 uses without the need for planning permission. However, if you are proposing to change the use of a premises or land, you should always seek advice from the local planning authority to confirm whether planning permission is required or not and we can help you to determine the change of use.

Site Work Supervision

SNR Design & Build Ltd are able to assist during the construction and site works stage as required. We can provide a range of ‘contract administration’ services which including dealing with the contractor on your behalf, attending site meetings, monitoring progress and quality, certifying payments as agreed, and seeing the project through to successful completion.

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